Gum Disease


Everybody has a collection of germs in their mouth that form plaque. If plaque is not removed efficiently from all tooth surfaces it causes the gums to become inflamed which can lead to redness, swelling, bleeding, pain and bad breath.

Luckily gingivitis is reversible with efficient home and professional cleaning.

If not treated, in susceptible people, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis (see below).

As experienced Periodontists, Drs Goldman, Bloom and Lim are specialists when it comes to diagnosis and treating gingivitis. The diagnosis is made at the initial consultation, at which time the patient is given a detailed description of the problem, methods of treating it, as well as a printed treatment plan and quotation.


Periodontitis is an infection of the gums which has progressed to dissolve the bone which holds in the tooth.

In addition to the problems of gingivitis, the teeth can become mobile, sore to bite on and change their position in the mouth. Unfortunately teeth can become so mobile or painful that they need to be removed.

In many people the disease progresses painlessly to the point where the disease can become advanced without the person being aware that there is even a problem. Regular visits to a periodontist or dentist who screens for periodontal disease is the only way of avoiding this.

Certain factors make people susceptible to periodontitis. The main ones are inefficient home cleaning, genetics, not seeing a dentist regularly, smoking, diabetes and fillings/dentures that trap food.

The treatment of periodontal disease is based on modifying some of the factors that cause it and a specialised level of skill of professional cleaning.

At our practice, we have been successfully treating patients with Periodontitis for over 15 years.

The diagnosis is made at the initial consultation, at which time the patient is given a detailed description of the problem, methods of treating it, as well as a printed treatment plan and quotation. Subsequent appointments are then made with our team, including Kelsey Ingram and Elisha Aarons, our experienced Dental Hygienists.