Periodontal Disease

Periodontitis (also known as gum disease) is an infection of the gums which has progressed to gradually dissolve the support of your natural teeth.

Bacteria found in plaque produces toxins or poisons that irritate the gums, which may cause them to turn red, swell and bleed easily. If this irritation is prolonged, the gums separate from the teeth, causing pockets (spaces) to form. As periodontal diseases progress, the supporting gum tissue and bone that holds teeth in place deteriorate. If left untreated, this often leads to pain and tooth loss.

It is a fact that 3 out 4 adults will experience periodontal disease at some point in their life.

In many people the disease progresses painlessly to the point where the disease can become advanced without the person being aware that there is even a problem. Regular visits to a Periodontist or Dentist who screens for periodontal disease is the only way of avoiding this.

Certain factors make people susceptible to periodontitis. The main ones are inefficient home cleaning, not seeing a dentist regularly, smoking, diabetes, genetics and dentures that trap food.

The treatment of periodontal disease is based on modifying some of the factors that cause it and a specialised level of skill of professional cleaning.

At our practice, Drs Goldman, Bloom and Lim have specialist training and experience to help treat your condition and return your mouth to health.

Following a comprehensive examination and consultation, a tailor made treatment plan will be arrived at.

The subsequent visits will then be aimed at correcting the problem, via special deep cleaning or root planing, with an added emphasis on prevention so that this does not recur. This procedure helps gum tissue heal and periodontal disease pockets to shrink. A local anesthetic is often used to make you more comfortable. For those who are a little more anxious, laughing gas and even IV sedation (sleep dentistry) is available.

Also, antibiotics may be recommended to control infection or to aid in healing.

3 months after therapy, an examination will determine if further periodontal disease treatment is required.

In the longer term, regular recalls rotating with your general dentist are generally required in order to prevent recurrence of this disease.