My First Visit

Periodontal and Implant care begins with an assessment and evaluation of your teeth and gums by a periodontist. To assist us with this process, please bring the following to your first appointment:

  • Your referral letter and x-rays from your referring dentist

  • Your medical history. This can either be sent to you via mail or you can fill out this form on the patient registration section of this web site

  • If you are entitled to claim via Veterans Affairs or Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please bring your Veterans Affairs or Medicare card

Your first visit begins with a thorough medical and dental health history. This is then followed by screening for signs of gum disease, such as gum pocketing and recession, bone loss and loose teeth. In most cases the exam is completed in under 10 minutes with minimal discomfort. However, numbing gel can be placed on the gums on request. Following the exam, we will then discuss our findings with you, covering all relevant topics, including:

  • What is gum disease, including causes and treatment options

  • What you can do at home to help improve your gums

  • Implant options and alternatives

At this stage a tailor made treatment plan and quotation will be presented to you. Any questions you may have will also be answered. For more complex cases, some initial treatment or further diagnostics must be completed before the final treatment plan can be established. Before attending your first visit we encourage you to fill in our Medical History Form. Please follow the steps below.



Please download and fill-out our Health History Form. After you have completed the form, please make sure to bring it on your first visit to our office. The security and privacy of your personal data is one of our primary concerns and we have taken every precaution to protect it.