Gum Lifting

Gum lifts may be warranted in the case of a gummy smile or in the treatment of advanced periodontitis (gum disease).


When correcting a gummy smile, an initial consultation is required to make sure that your gums are otherwise healthy and discuss and plan for the procedure.

The procedure is usually completed within an hour and under local anesthetic. For those who are a little more anxious, laughing gas and even IV sedation (sleep dentistry) is available.

Excess gum and bone tissue are reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth, to even your gum line, or to several teeth to expose a natural, broad smile. Whether you have crown lengthening to improve function or aesthetics, patients often receive the benefits of both: a beautiful new smile and improved periodontal health – your keys to smiling, eating and speaking with comfort and confidence.


The main cause of periodontal disease is bacteria living on the tooth surface, often several millimeters below the gum in deep pockets.

The deeper the pocket, the more difficult it is to remove these bacteria using simpler cleaning methods. This can result in the continuation of periodontal disease, resulting in infection and possible tooth loss.

Before these nasty side effects occur, a tooth can be saved if a gum lift is performed.


The procedure is relatively painless and is usually performed chair side under local anesthetic. By gently lifting the gum, more of the tooth is visible, allowing the Periodontist to clean the bacteria away more efficiently, before returning the gums to the teeth.

Most gum lifts are completed within one hour. For those who are a little more anxious, laughing gas and even IV sedation (sleep dentistry) is available.

Following the procedure detailed instructions as well as antibiotic and pain medication prescriptions are given and the patient is allowed to go straight home.

A consultation is required prior to all gum lifts. This allows for a comprehensive preoperative evaluation as well as a detailed discussion tailored for the individual.