Gum Grafting

Sometimes following gum disease or trauma, the gum around the tooth recedes, resulting in unsightly and uncomfortable exposure of the yellow root of the tooth.

In some instances this can be reversed following a gum graft.

There are several methods that can be used when performing a gum graft and Drs Goldman, Bloom and Lim will discuss these with you and choose the most appropriate method for each individual.

The procedure is relatively painless and is usually performed chair side under local anesthetic. Most grafts are completed within one hour. For those who are a little more anxious, laughing gas and even IV sedation (sleep dentistry) is available.

Following the procedure detailed instructions as well as antibiotic and pain medication prescriptions are given and the patient is allowed to go straight home.

A consultation is required prior to all grafting procedures. This allows for a comprehensive preoperative evaluation as well as a detailed discussion tailored for the individual including whether grafts are appropriate in your case and surgical risks involved.